Recently, I was asked to compose the music for the leader of the PICNIC innovation festival 2012 (thanks to Claynote (adaptive) music). And this is the result. Or just listen to the music, here: PICNIC12 Trailer – Beastie Parker Credits: Creative Director: Marcel Kampman – Camera: Bjorn Eerkes – – Marcel Kampman Music: Mendel Bouman – Emagica …
Two new tracks. Both exciting collaborations. The first is a new collaboration with Gert Jan Turin, an upcoming DJ from Groningen: This track is half Emagica and Half Gert Jan. I had a freaky basic setup with heavy beats and violins, and Gert Jan turned it into a a Trance Track with 90’s sounds. I …
Two weeks ago, our baby daughter Maan was born. To celebrate this, I wrote this simple lullaby for her. Enjoy :) Ninna Nanna Per Luna
The title says most of it really, but after a succesful co-operation with Infinity Lane for a lecture at Deltion college and a good cup of coffee about a week ago, it has been decided that I’ll be working out the narrative and dialogues for Infinity Lane’s upcoming tablet RTS title: Coral. It is going …